Alle Beiträge von David

Das Microsoft-Dilemma

Wer sich wundert warum im Umfeld von Behörden & Verwaltungen soviel proprietäre Software in Verwendung ist, für all diese gibt es seit Montag (19.02.2018) eine sehr gut recherchierte Dokumentation des ARD & c’t dazu.

Abseits der Argumente des “Vendor-Locks”, Sicherheitsbedenken (Einsatz von US closed source Software im Militär- und Polizeibereich) etc., sollte man nicht die Möglichkeit des Aufbaus einer europäischen Softwareindustrie vernachlässigen und damit von zukunftssicheren Arbeitsplätzen – anstatt das Steuergeld quasi übern großen Teich zu überweisen, eben in den Aufbau einer europ. Softwareindustrie investieren – auf Basis offener Software und offener Standards. Liebe Politik und öffentliche Verwaltung: Statt auf Lobbying reinzufallen, besser Zukunftschancen sehen ! 🙂

Doku-Verfügbar bis 19.05.2018

Lakka 2.0 – Retro-Gaming

It’s has been a long time since I had time for some useful and useless stuff. So we (isticktoit) found some useless stuff on Heise open: A Linux Retro-Gaming distribution and thought about bringing some old stuff up to ‘waste’ some hours.

4:3 on a FullHD TV and pixels

In this case I tried the new release of the Lakka distribution, which is mostly for Retro/Emulator-Gaming. It contains a lot of emulators from Atari up to PlayStation and Nintendo.

Lakka 2.0 – Retro-Gaming weiterlesen

Docker a nice tool for developers

Docker is the world leading software containerization platform. I tried using GitLab as versioncontrol system and Jenkings as continuos integration system but the system turned out as not completly useful.

In that way a colleague told me about a system he wants to create based on Docker.

What we want:

  • a git system under ouer control
  • a continuos integration that is flexible and customizable
  • every system available per SSL connection

Git Service -> GoGs – Go Git Service

It’s a simple self-hosted Git servise.

  • easy to install, cross-platform, lightweight and OpenSourse

It contains everything importent to develop something in collaboration.

Continuos Integration -> drone

It’s a continuous integration platform build on container technology. Every build run will be triggerd by a push to a repository if it’s linked to drone.

  • flexible and customizable: by setting up a config file you tell drone what is to do

SSL -> NGINX as reverse proxy

It’s a fine powerfull tool and a nice reverse proxy. With it we are able to provide the GoGs and the drone to the internet more secure and with SSL encryted.

We will colleced the SSL/TLS certificates from a Let’s Encryt service.

Docker a nice tool for developers weiterlesen

YouTube Audio Player


For one year I have tried to create my own YouTube Audio Player. I wanted something that can play my playlists and favorite music from YouTube, but I only wanted the sound – no video. In that case I usually used a separate browser-window or -tab and that was sometimes very annoying.

Download all OS

So this player is build on top of NodeJS and Electron and uses the Google API for all YouTube requests. The code and the structure is available on GitHub.

Angular 2, Electron, NodeJS

Currently I’m working on a private project with Angular 2 (v.2.0.0-beta.0 | TypeScript), Electron (Atom Shell) and NodeJS.

I had some issues with Angular 2 and webpack modular bundler.
In my system I have to transcode all the TypeScript code with all the nice features to normal JavaScript-code (ES5).

first issue
  • It took me many hours to get the InterProcess Comunication from the Electron to the NodeJS running. The Problem is that the IPC-module is a native Electron-module and webpack is trying to find it in the node_modules folder.
    StackOverflow issue

Solution: webpack-target-electron-renderer
You have to change/update your webpack config. After that webpack will ignore or find the native Electron-modules.

second issue
  • In Angular 2 you can write components, services, …. and more. I wanted to use a service to get data from one component to another but I never got the data exchanged between them.

Solution: In my case I used the Componenttag “providers” to create an instance of the declared service but every time you write “providers” with a service in it, you are creating a new instance of the service and you will never get data from one component to another. You start your app with that

bootstrap(App, ['services']);

since then you have an instance of the provided services. To use them, you only have to import the service and to write in the somponent-constructor

constructor( %varname% : %servicename% )



The combination of Angular 2 (TypeScript), Electron (Atom Shell) and NodeJS is very nice. With that components you are able to build a client application rapidly. My next “nice to have” is to integrate a CSS-preprocessor (SASS, LASS, …) in my projects to write CSS-code in the ways of a programmer.

Silvester ohne Raketen muss nicht sein

Im Süden Österreichs gilt heuer ein Feuerwerks-Verbot an Silvester wegen der Trockenheit, die in letzter Zeit herrschte.
Das hat David inspiriert, einen Countdown zu schreiben, der zu Mitternacht ein virtuelles Feuerwerk initiiert.

Zum Countdown gesellen sich Bilder aus der Umgebung – die mit wenigen Eingriffen im Code natürlich ausgetauscht werden können.

–> Hier geht’s zum GitHub Projekt

Ein gutes, neues und nerdiges Jahr wünschen das Isticktoit-Team
Florian, David, Tobias